Electrical specifications at 25°C.
Part number 1 | Inductance (nH) 2 | Tolerance (%) |
Q min
@ 300 MHz 3 |
SRF min (MHz) 4 | DCR max (mΩ) 5 | Imax (mA) |
AR376RAA270JPZ | 27 | 5,2,1 | 50 | 1800 | 110 | 900 |
A max | B max | C max | D ref | E | F | G | H | I | J | |
0.140 | 0.085 | 0.060 | 0.020 | 0.056 | 0.020 | 0.080 | 0.076 | 0.040 | 0.070 | inches |
3,56 | 2,16 | 1,52 | 0,51 | 1,42 | 0,51 | 2,03 | 1,93 | 1,02 | 1,78 | mm |
Dimensions are before optional solder application.
For maximum height dimension including solder, add 0.0025 in / 0,64 mm to B and 0.0060 in / 0,15 mm to A and C.